Camp Meeting 2017: Overview from Thursday, July 27

Thursday at camp meeting was a day for the kids and teen programs – as each ministry had an opportunity to share during the evening service. They shared songs, Bible verses and gave everyone a glimpse into what they have been learning during the week.

Afterward, the kids had their annual flashlight egg hunt and ice cream social – a highlight for many of the kids each year. The teens played a game called “murder” and had time of fellowship.

The adults had plenty of opportunities, as well, through morning Bible study, fellowship throughout the day and evening worship, led again by the Rev. Stephen Wilson and song ministry from Rev. Ryan and Amanda Brosious.

Rev. Wilson’s message was taken from Luke 9:23 and focused on the five rules of knowing and following Jesus. They included:

1.       Anyone can follow Jesus Christ

2.       No one has to follow Jesus Christ

3.       You can’t follow yourself and Jesus at the same time

4.       If your faith isn’t costing you something, you are not doing something right

5.       Following Jesus is something we do daily.

Again, the sermons are best received in person – or at the very least via audio CDs that the camp is offering again this year. For more information on the CDs, contact Lisa Jo Smith at 570-538-2790.

Friday is missions day at camp. The evening service will be led by missionaries Tom and Karen Asher. Rev. Wilson returns Saturday (7 p.m.) and Sunday (5:30 p.m.) for his final two messages.

Check out other daily overviews by clicking on the date below:

Sunday, July 30

Saturday, July 29

Friday, July 28

Thursday, July 27

Wednesday, July 26

Tuesday, July 25

Monday, July 24

Sunday, July 23

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