2018 Camp Meeting week to kick off with concert, hymn sing events

The 99th annual God’s Holiness Camp Meeting kicks off with a pair of musical events slated for Friday, July 20, and Saturday, July 21.

On Friday, the DCB … or Danelle Cressinger Band … will perform starting at 7 p.m. The DCB is a contemporary Christian rock band with a slew of original songs and an emphasis on worship.

“We have a combination of experience and styles that gives us the ability to create original songs, as well as put our own spin on popular radio covers,” the band shares on its website. “We have traveled locally, as well as out of state to lead worship, play outreach events, fairs, women’s conferences and more.  While creating and playing is a love of each of ours, our central focus is building the kingdom, and making Jesus famous far and wide.  “If one heart has been reached through our music, then we’ve served our purpose.”

On Saturday, July 21, there will be an open hymn sing starting at 6:30 p.m. at the campground.

Check back to our website often for more updates about Camp Meeting 2018. To see the Camp Meeting brochure, click here.  In the meantime, here is an article about Danelle Cressinger that was run in The Daily Item newspaper in 2015:

Local Christian singing sensation relies on her faith, family, friends

For growing local Christian singing sensation Danelle Cressinger, there are many moments that have inspired and confirmed her musical ministry.

But one specifically comes to mind.

“Writing and performing my original song, ‘Wait For You’ is definitely a testament and a testimony of my journey so far,” Cressinger said. “It came from a place of full surrender to God and His timing. I struggle with patience and not knowing what comes next. That particular song is kind of a personal testament to me acknowledging that I will wait for the Lord and I will trust Him with each and every situation in life — not just music.”

Cressinger is not new to singing in front of large groups of people. She has been doing that since she was a little girl.

“I’m a preacher’s daughter and I’ve been singing in church since I was a very little girl. Music was always such a huge part of my life as I come from a very musical family. From a very young age, I had dreams of being a singer,” she said. “I always wanted to sing Christian music and as I grew in my relationship with the Lord, it definitely became more about the worship part of Christian music.”

Self-doubt kept Cressinger’s singing career as more of a hobby at first, but she learned to overcome the internal struggle on taking her music to the next level.

“Super long story short, I decided to surrender my fears and pursue the dream that I believe God has put in my heart. It definitely hasn’t been a case of overnight success by any stretch of the imagination, but it has been quite a journey and learning experience so far,” she admitted. “I am nowhere near where I would like to be, but I’m thankful each and every day for the progress and for each door that I know God is opening.”

Cressinger said she would classify her music as upbeat, encouraging and heartfelt worship.

“I definitely look up to Kari Jobe and her unabashed style of worship. I’ve also been many times over compared to Francesca Battistelli,” she said. “I definitely look up to Natalie Grant and Kari Jobe singer-wise. I am very inspired by people that have pursued the passions that God has put in their hearts and not given up.”

However, Cressinger draws plenty of inspiration from her growing list of fans and supporters, too.

“I know that each and every person that I follow has a story which is so encouraging to my heart. My husband (Terry) is probably my biggest supporter followed by my family and a very tight group of close friends and prayer partners that I have,” she said. “Any time I am ready to throw in the towel and give up because the journey is rough, they are always there encouraging, praying and sometimes even carrying me through the toughest times.”

The best advice she has ever received is simply to let go and trust God fully.

“I have a tendency to be a control freak and I like to know what is happening and going to happen before I take that next step. God obviously doesn’t work that way and I have had to learn to completely let go and give up all control,” she said. “Professionally, one of the greatest pieces of advice given to me was to not throw all my eggs in one basket, so to speak. Don’t get my hopes completely up about one opportunity or another, but to just take everything in stride and ultimately things will work out the way they’re supposed to.”

Cressinger writes her own music and three of her original pieces are included in her debut album “Wait For You” which was recorded in Nashville, Tennessee and released in May 2014.

Cressinger’s personal goal is to one day be singing and ministering full-time through the Christian music circles in Nashville, Tennessee. However, she admits that she is willing to follow God’s direction for her life and music.

“Playing fulltime in Nashville is a big dream, but I know that God has a plan. Whether or not it is to fulfill this particular dream I do not know, but I do know that I will continue to minister as long as he continues to open the doors,” she said. “At this point, I’m focusing on writing new music, getting more events lined up for me and the guys and getting more exposure. My thinking is, as long as I stay on the right path and do what I can do, God will do what I can’t.

“If going to Nashville and pursuing it fulltime is in God’s plan, I truly believe that He will open the right doors at the right time and I will know when to walk through those doors.”

For more information about Danelle Cressinger, to hear her album or to see her band’s full schedule of events, visit www.danellecressingerband.com.

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