Camp meeting 2018: Profile of Arlie Davis, evangelist for July 27-29

The second evangelist/speaker for the 2018 God’s Holiness Camp Meeting is Christ Wesleyan Church lead pastor Arlie Davis. He will preach during services slated to start at 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday, July 27-28, and 5:30 p.m. Sunday, July 29.

The following is from Pastor Davis’ bio at the Christ Wesleyan website (

I have always felt that I came into ministry through the back door! Although I grew up in a Christian home, I wandered from the path and didn’t return until after I graduated from college. I received my Bachelor of Science in Special Education from Bloomsburg University and taught school for several years and during that time came to Christ.

When I returned to the Milton area, I began getting involved in ministry in my home church. A few years later, I married Sharon and we began Meadowbrook Christian School. For the first eight years of ministry, my primary work was oversight of our Christian school and preparing for ministry. I went to Evangelical School of Theology in pursuit of a Master of Arts in Religion, as well as completing ordination requirements at Houghton College and Indiana Wesleyan University. During that time, our home was blessed by our son, Aidan and daughter, Adrienne-Leigh. Later in ministry, I completed the residency aspect of my DMin at Talbot School of Theology in leadership, preaching and counseling.

God gave me a definite vision for Christ Wesleyan in 1990 that He would raise up a church that would be over 1000 worshipers:

The least of you will become a thousand, the smallest a mighty nation. I am the LORD; in its time I will do this swiftly. – Isaiah 60:22 (NIV)
It seemed impossible at the time as we were a church of 180 with a very unstable past growth pattern. But with God “all things are possible!”

God began to bless the ministry of Christ Wesleyan and we experienced 15 years of growth. Within 10 years we saw the promise fulfilled! Today, we are privileged to be ministering to over 1500 people in our services and God continues to build a vibrant, compassionate body of believers reaching our region.

We believe that God has given us a clear mission to be a strong voice to our community–a voice that reaches an inter-generational body of believers with the life-changing message of Jesus Christ and empowers them to make a difference in their world. I believe my message is one of the positive difference we can make in this world as followers of Jesus Christ.

I am blessed to serve with my wife, Sharon who leads our Wellness Care Ministry, and an incredibly talented and gifted young team who has a vision for the growing impact we can have in our area. I would love to invite you to join us to see God moving and partner with us in making a difference as we serve together.

I am privileged to serve as: Assistant District Superintendent of Penn-Jersey District in the Wesleyan Church, various denominational committees, a board member of World Hope International, and as a consultant in church health.

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  1. Pingback:Top 10 reasons you can’t miss the 2018 Camp Meeting experience – Central PA Wesleyan Campground

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