Camp Meeting 2018: Review and photos from Sunday, July 22

The first official day of Camp Meeting 2018 is im the books, and it was a good kickoff to the week-long experience.

Sunday school involved separate classes for adults, youth and children at three different locations. Thanks to Elloise Garver, Rodney Murphy and Robin Kratzer for leading those services. Then the Rev. Leroy Wion led a combined Sunday morning service.

A large meal was held at the Pickett Building in the early afternoon with ham and numerous covered dishes and desserts.

The evening service included song ministry by the Rev. Ryan Brosious and his wife, Amanda. Dr. Stephen Lennox led the main message, pulling from thr first eleven verses of 2 Peter 1.

Among the topics was Peter’s mention of our “Precious faith.” Despite all the hardships Peter endured for his faith, Dr. Lennox suggested the faith was considered precious because of what was sacrificed by God to secure that faith.

Dr. Lennox spoke on the concepts of value … how much would one pay for another day? To feel the love of a spouse or child again? Shouldn’t we place at least as much value … and much more on the faith Jesus left us with in light of his sacrifice on the cross and what awaits true believers in the faith?

Another interesting concept Dr. Lennox suggested: “One thing faith provides is christian community.”

Ultimately, because faith is so precious:

1. Treat it carefully. How are you nurturing it to help it flourish?
2. Be careful to not sell it cheaply. The real battle isn’t between “good” and “bad” but between “good” and “best.” Don’t settle for the good — instead strive for the best.
3. Pass it on willingly to whoever we can.

If our faith is as precious as we say it is, we need to receive it. Not just accept it but embrace faith and let it flow through us.

Dr. Lennox had many othet great points and brings a pair of poweful messages on Monday. His 10 am adult Bible study comes out of Psalms and will be available at Pickett Hall. The children meet at 10 am at the A-frame building. The teens/youth meet at 10 am at the worship center/tabernacle. The Monday evening service will kick off at 7 pm with song ministry again by Rev. Brosious and the sermon from Dr. Stephen Lennox. Throughout the day, there are some youth and children activities, time for fellowship, swimming, fishing, kayaking, biking and much more.

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