
For a detailed history of the God’s Holiness Grove Camp Meeting, click here.

The entrance to God’s Holiness Grove as it appeared for the first camp meeting held September 3-12, 1920.

What God Hath Done…

The Rev. J. E. Wolf realizing the urgent need of a camp meeting in the Susquehanna Valley was moved by the Holy Spirit to look for a suitable location for a camp. After searching the countryside for some time, without any success, he sought the assistance of Rev. William E. Straub.
 These two brethren then consulted with Rev. Carrie Yoder (Sister Thomas Fergusson, now deceased) who gave them much encouragement; they kept pursuing their plan. On a certain day Brother Wolf and Brother Straub met in Sunbury, they had a season of prayer petitioning God to direct them in finding the right place for a camp meeting. After prayer, one of the brethren went up along the river and the other down the river seeking for a camp meeting site. As they traveled they learned of the present grove which later became the camp ground. There were those at that time who were trying to buy the plot of ground in order to make a pleasure resort out of it. Through the wise Providence of God the Hummel heirs decided against selling to the pleasure seekers. Upon being contacted by the brethren they agreed to sell it for camp meeting purposes, after the purchase price was agreed upon.
 Through the gifts of various friends and churches of the local area, money was received to make the first payment and the work was started.
 During the month of August of 1920 the front part of the grove was cleared of under brush, and a spring that had been closed was opened and everything readied for the first camp meeting. This camp was held September 3 – 12, 1920. Tents were used for the tabernacle, dining hall and living quarters.
 At the close of the first camp meeting, a loan was secured to pay off the indebtedness of the camp grove, and a board of seven persons was appointed to transact the business of the camp meeting association.
 The Holy Spirit spoke to Rev. J. E. Wolf, the first camp secretary, giving him the name of the camp, “God’s Holiness Grove Camp,” by which name this camp shall always be identified. An association was formed and the courts granted a charter and by-laws were drawn up for the same.
   The prayers, labors and sacrificial giving of the ministerial and lay members of the association down through the years have been greatly appreciated. The guidance and leadership of the Holy Spirit has brought us to this fortieth anniversary day. We cannot help but say with the Psalmist: “The Lord hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad.”—Psalm 126:3.

Highlights of Progress

1920—First Camp meeting
1921—Erection of tabernacle and dining hall
1922—New arch at entrance of grove
1925—Erection of care taker’s home
1926—Digging of new well
1927—Grove laid out
1934—Enclosing of tabernacle, new wiring
1936—Erection of pump house
1939—New office, dining hall remodeled
1944—New pumping system purchased
1946—Enlarged tabernacle, erected cottages and sign
1947—Parking lot
1948—First Young People’s Camp
1949—Replacement of seats in tabernacle
1953—Erection of seven cottages, lunch stand
1954—Amesite floor placed in tabernacle
1955—New kitchen equipment
1956—Circulating fans in tabernacle
1957—Placed camp bell in cupola, new camp signs
1958—Book room, new utility poles
1959—Fortieth Anniversary

  • The preceding information is as it appeared in the Fortieth Anniversary booklet.
  • We are striving to uphold what our founder’s started. If you have any information to share concerning our heritage, please contact me.
  • More information is being collected and will appear when available.

Director of Historical Records and Archives ~ Debbie Raker
