Additional singers, instrumentalists sought for special 2019 camp meeting program

The 100th annual God’s Holiness Grove Camp Meeting will occur this summer, from July 21-28, at the Central Pennsylvania Wesleyan Campground near New Columbia, and a committee has been working to develop a special program to mark the milestone event.

Among the growing list of speakers (Dr. Harry Wood and Dr. Joanne Lyons among them), the music-based worship ministry has a number of special things planned. Headed this year by the Rev. David Sheets and renowned Christian concert pianist, organist and musician Rod Horner, one special request is that a group of people help fill out a choir for the week-long camp meeting experience. Those who play instruments at an intermediate level or above are also welcome to participate.

“I have music for all sorts of instruments, from brass to woodwind, percussion to stringed,” said Horner.

He asks that anyone who is interested in participating let the team know as soon as possible — at the latest by May 31 — so appropriate music can be available and arrangements made.

For more information about participating in this year’s camp meeting choir or instrumental accompanying, send an email to Lisa Jo Smith by clicking here. More information about individuals who will be sharing during this year’s camp meeting will be released in the coming weeks. Brochures will be sent as soon as possible, as well. For questions about camp, send an email to Lisa Jo Smith by clicking here.


Musician Rod Horner checks out the worship center at the Central Pennsylvania Wesleyan Campground with the Rev. David Sheets during a recent committee meeting.

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